PRG Europe has been working with the festival for the past five years, says project manager Peter Marshall, lighting the whole site, providing all the crew and organising the lighting for the main performance venues. The site lighting was designed and theatrically lit by lighting designer Theo Cox to create different moods and themes throughout each evening. The programme features a range of performances, from classical through to dance to rock and roll, comedy and jazz.
"I created a constantly evolving environment," said Cox, "based on gentle rotation of spirals rolling between ambers and pinks. An occasional rip down the site - in, say, a hard white and blue flicker - would wake people up a bit and keep the interest level up. I like to make a feature of trees - hanging mirror balls in them is always a winner - but this year a cluster of 12 Chromaspheres inspired most interest and comment. Site lighting was a compromise between functional and aesthetic. Using rakes of moving lights on five 9m tall Summit Steel smart masts around the site allowed me to conjure up both effect and coverage."
(Jim Evans)