Apart from the champions who will compete in the most popular beach sports, the spotlights will be focused on Proel equipment, chosen by Happy Sound Service to amplify the running commentary, to reinforce the sound of the numerous scheduled shows and to light up the field during the night tournaments.
The sound reinforcement set up for the Beach Stadium activities includes, four Proel NEOS218SP subs, four Proel NEOS152P speakers, racks of four Proel HPD3400PFC power amplifiers and AS025 processor.
When the Stadium becomes the stage for bigger events, its sound reinforcement turns to Axiom with six Proel AX3210P speakers, eight Proel EDGE218SP subs and Powersoft amplification composed of four K10 power amplifiers, two K2 power amplifiers and managed by a DSO26 processor and Ezcurve equalizer.
The lighting rig, which is also Proel, comprises PAR 56 and 64 lights, SPOT 575 SCN and WASH 575 CN moving heads, BUG TUBE motorized PARs and STROBO 1500 strobes.
Viareggio Beach Stadium was built in the area next to Marina di Levante. Surrounding the Beach Arena, which measures 40m x 30m, there are stands seating up to 1,000 people, changing rooms, a food and drink area, a 12m x 8m stage and a filming tower. The lighting system allows the staging of night events.
"Proel helped us do a great job here at the Beach Stadium", says Andrea Pezzini, owner of Viareggio's Happy Sound Service and one of the main promoters. "It took a lot of work, given the size and the peculiarity of this location, but Proel's equipment was easy to adapt to the Stadium's needs and it was our best choice for the performance we had in mind."
20 events are already scheduled, 800 athletes will take part in them, and about 250,000 people are estimated to attend throughout the 2009 summer season.
(Jim Evans)