In addition to the news presenters' innovative desks, the most conspicuous feature of the fully refurbished studio is the 17 metre long, semi-circular multi-media wall, which enables the rear projection of content such as photographs, videos and 3D graphics across its whole width.
It offers a very high resolution of 8.8 million pixels and certain elements can be operated interactively, the first time this has been possible on a curved surface using primeTOUCH technology. The studio also provides for the efficient networking of editorial input, programme planning, automation and on-air graphics. Studio Hamburg Media Consult International (MCI) GmbH was responsible for the planning, installation, delivery and commissioning of a universal HDTV infrastructure and also for optimisation of the programme flow using automatically controllable cameras and editorial equipment. It managed the complete refurbishment of the studio's technical production facilities together with the Israeli company Orad Hi-Tec Systems, Ambion GmbH from Kaufungen in North Hesse and Lang AG from Lindlar. They are all honoured with this Sinus - Systems Integration Award, presented this year in the 'infotainment' category.