Lighting Designer Don Holder chose Eos to control the entire rig, in part because it allowed him to have only one lighting system. During technical rehearsals, one Eos was used to programme the conventionals, while a second Eos handled the automated and LED luminaires. Both desks were contributing to a single show file, using new partitioned control software that allows seamless discrete control by multiple programmers.
Eos product manager Anne Valentino says, "Each programmer worked completely independently, and when it came time to put everything on one desk, they simply turned partitioned control off, added an 'execute' command in the first cue of the main cue list and the entire show was run off of one 'Go' button on one desk."
At the Pasadena Playhouse, Eos seamlessly controls moving lights such as 11 Vari-Lite 2000 spotlights, five Vari-Lite 1000AS, 275 LED Color Kinetics luminaires, four AutoYoke 10° lights and more than 400 ETCSource Four fixed focus and Source Four PARs, programmed into more than 1000 lighting cues.
(Jim Evans)