After renewing M/S Rosella's dance restaurant to the height of two floors, Jouni Sironen, the AV manager of Viking Line, was looking for the line array set, which could support live music and entertainment. After a few demo listenings, RCF TTL 31A was chosen for the new system.
The system consists of rigged TTL 12AS and four TTL 31A per side and TTS 28A subs in the centre ground stack to produce the perfect bass coverage. Four RCF C 3108W delay speakers fill the back parts of low height first floor.
RCF's Finnish distributor Noretron Communication supplied the equipment and the installation was carried out by the Viking Line's own technical team and Noretron's personnel. Two days in an Estonian dockyard and the installers and the users were more than satisfied with TT+.
(Jim Evans)