Robe waited for the right LED lightsources to come on-stream before developing the LEDBeam 100, as the new Robe standard is to use only RGBW technology in the current LED range of products.
With the arrival of the newest multichips on the market, Robe forged ahead with the product development and finished this small, compact fixture which has extremely fast pan / tilt movement.
The LEDs are controllable in three zones - top half, bottom half, and middle - for producing 'eye-candy effects', zone strobing, colour chasing, etc.
It has a tight beam angle of 7° - making it excellent for high-impact concentrated, collimated effects, the company adds.
Simplified control via pre-programmed colours, colour chases and effects on a virtual colour wheel, and various strobing and pulsing effects allow quick and easy programming.
Check out Robe's channel on LSi's VideoHub for a video demo of the Robin 100 LEDBeam!
(Claire Beeson)