Inside the Giants of the Sea exhibition, a series of rooms with 20m high ceilings, there are full scale models of a 26m long Blue Whale, a 16m humpback whale accompanied by a baby 5m humpback whale as well as a 10m sword whale. Most spectacular however, is a battle between a 15m sperm whale and a giant squid. The X24 projector gives large scale ripple effects, to help create the sense of habitat.
German engineering agency Walter Bamburger had seen the X24 in use in the Deutches Meeresmuseum, and specified 10 Analogue X24 Projectors for the Giants of the Sea exhibition.
The Giants of the Sea project was organised in collaboration with Greenpeace in support of its anti-whaling campaign. They are the official partner of the project and donated 1.45 million Euros to the exhibition. A key theme of the new Ozeaneum is raising awareness about climate change, over-fishing and water pollution.
(Jim Evans)