Before being awarded the job, Brandon Bunyan from Black Coffee gave Michael Broderick a call. "What do you know about television lighting," he asked Broderick. "Nothing, but I'm keen to give it a try," came the answer. "Brandon designed a really cool set," explained Broderick.
There was the usual pressure setting up and Broderick was concerned about not having enough programming time. "I hoped it would be enough," recalls Broderick. "I spoke to Dave Whitehouse at DWR and asked what to look out for with television lighting. I also spoke to Nic Michaletos (Nicklelight), and his advice made me stay on the right course."
The grandMA2 light ran faultlessly. "I love it," said Broderick. "I still don't work on it often enough to know it completely and I'm envious of Nick Britz (DWR) who knows it so well."
(Jim Evans)