Moore, of North-East based rental company Nitelites, has been working with Turner for five years. He designed a lively and dynamic show reminiscent of the band's recent UK tour. He used the full house rig, plus additional PRG provided floor cans for drums and keys, which provided some stunning low level key light, matching the front line.
Having operated their consoles since he started lighting, Moore has used Avolites for his entire career to date. "I followed in my family's footsteps as a young lad," he says, "and I've never looked back."
Moore chose the Sapphire Touch for this show due to the mix of fixture types and because the show was being filmed. "I needed to have a lot of hands-on control, and my fixture group masters on the console," he notes. The console was running the latest Titan Version 9.
"It's very different from V8," he notes, "but it has a lot more. I found it great. Titan is much more powerful than the Pearl 2000 I first programmed, but it retains the same feel, and the interface is familiar."
Moore also had a second Sapphire Touch networked via Multiuser, a feature he considers "great, easy to set up and flip flop between".
(Jim Evans)