That's Spain, Italy and China in one breath, so perhaps we shouldn't be surprised to find Germany added to the mix, for when it came to audio, Feng Pan of Nanjing Li Te Mei Technology Co, Ltd recommended loudspeakers from d&b audiotechnik. "There is a recent tradition in China for dance clubs to install enormous PA systems," explained Pan, "much bigger than is needed. The owners of Scarlet recognised this error and charged us with supplying a correct solution; one that takes the emphasis away from quantity and focuses instead on quality. For us that meant only one thing; d&b audiotechnik."
The Scarlet also benefits from similar wisdom when it comes to interior design; the acoustic is well suited to a modern sound reinforcement system and presents few problems in terms of reverberance. As indicated, the club resembles nothing less than a Castilian palace; the furnishing is all dark heavy and wooden, carved and sculpted. Small tables fill much of the floor area, and dancing is informal, taking place between the seated areas. The atmosphere is relaxed, impromptu, and great fun.
Nanjing Li Te Mei Technology Co, Ltd received design support from Alex Poon at d&b Audiotechnik (China) Ltd. "The final installation design is well dispersed," explained Poon. "It's a big room with lots of area to cover. Mainly we used Ci7s with Ci7 subwoofers and E12s for the balcony area."
"The extended low end is enhanced by the addition of two B2 subwoofers so this is still a very powerful system. There are also more than a dozen MAX12 loudspeakers that are used flexibly for both live singing and DJ monitors. The whole system is remote controlled via the d&b Remote network; we programmed two presets, one for DJ and dancing, one for singing, which is done karaoke style to playback. I have to say Mr Pan and his team made an excellent job of the installation."
(Claire Beeson)