Taking advantage of the usual lull in activity during the first month of the year, the event is free, and attendees can learn about the latest products from both Compulite and LSC - for which Stagetec is the UK distributor. Compulite products will include the new RAVE lighting control desk - a low-cost compact console, the SparkTOP 'desk in a box' solution, the CompuDIM2000 series of dimmer racks, the CompuCAD 3D lighting design and rendering software package and theCompuCALL system - which converts DTMF telephone tones to DMX and MIDI.
From LSC, the MAXIM range of control desks will be demonstrated, as will iPRO/UK - a UK version of LSC's well-established 12-channel digital dimming system and its ePRO Dimmers. For more information, contact Jack Thompson at White Light North at the e-mail address below.