ShowNET laser mainboard now available
- Details

Besides the trigger control options, ShowNET can be operated in various stand-alone operation modes as well as sound to light (microphone board available on request). The contents of the memory on the ShowNET board can be customised with standard ILDA files, which can be created with the included Showeditor software or any other software capable to export standard ILDA files.
With integrating the standard ShowNET set, it is still possible to operate the laser system via ILDA signal (switch board provided in the set). It is also possible to omit the ILDA connectors and just go via LAN connection. It is also possible to feed any ILDA signal to the integrated ShowNET board (receiver) via LAN connection by using an external ShowNET interface box as a sender via ILDA streaming.
The standard ShowNET integrator’s set contains the following components: ShowNET mainboard, ILDA switch board, mode selection and addressing board, RJ-45 LAN socket with connecting wire, pre-made wires for connecting all components included in the set. Step by step integration instructions are provided on request/purchase.
(Jim Evans)