Primacoustics offers comparatively priced acoustic-treatment solutions in packages designed around common room sizes and audio applications. Their acoustic treatments have taken various factors that are often overlooked - expense, room logistics and the perception of acoustic design, say the company.
Dennis Harburn, managing director of Shure Distribution commented: "We are delighted to be working with Primacoustics. They make an excellent addition to our studio portfolio which already includes products from Shure, Phonic and Radial. They have over 30 years experience in studio and live sound equipment and are a perfect match for the Shure brand".
Primacoustic sales manager, Steve MacKay said: "Over the past two years we have been working with Shure Distribution to develop sales for Radial in the UK and the results have been very strong. More importantly, we have enjoyed working with the people at Shure Distribution UK. They have a great team and the diversity to work with the studio market through their MI sales division, installation sound proofing through their commercial division, and they are equipped to handle the growing home market through their consumer division. We feel Shure Distribution is perfectly structured to handle the brand. We are very excited!"
(Claire Beeson)