Delivered to Skan's Reading-based warehouse this month, the system went straight out the door on a European arena tour with chart-topping rock band Muse, together with Skan technicians Matt Vickers and Ant Carr who are working closely with the band's engineers Marc Carolan and Adam Taylor. Skan is a long-term user of XTA's 226 controllers, recommended by L-Acoustics for use with V-DOSC, and also owns almost 100 Lab Gruppen amps, the company which manufactures L-Acoustics' proprietary amplifiers. Skan was therefore in a good position to become a V-DOSC partner when client-led demand required the purchase of a new arena system.
"We chose L-Acoustics having assessed most other brands of line array and decided to go with the most reliable and respected system on the market," said Skan director Chris Fitch. "We particularly liked the V-DOSC network idea as we believe being part of a group of 76 companies running identical turnkey systems worldwide will hold huge benefits for our clients." The Muse tour ran from October until early December, after which the V-DOSC system immediately went out on UK dates with Feeder. Skan's autumn schedule was quite demanding, with systems and full-time staff on the road with The Darkness, Moloko, the Flaming Lips and Tindersticks.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)