The entire Lang Brothers audio team attended a week long training seminar. FabrÃcio Neiva, technical coordinator at Sotex comments: "There are no advantages of having a high tech system, without having a thorough understanding of how it works and how to best operate it. These are resources we can provide them. We accompany new Sotex clients to a series of events to make sure they are satisfied and that they can take advantage of different markets with their new system."
The inauguration of the Lang Brothers Adamson system took place at the Nana Fest at the open-air Rio Center for an audience of about 40,000 with the band Chiclete com Banana headlining. Sotex commercial coordinators Guilherme Zauza and FabrÃcio Neiva, were at the venue following the installation process: "It is a pleasure to have Lang Brothers as a customer. Their team's technique is very good, Marcelo knows the local business and renders an excellent service," commented Zauza. "It is a pleasure to work with equipment of this level in Brazil," mentioned Audio Technician Toninho Alvarez.
(Jim Evans)