26% of companies in the industry are set to exploit the buoyant market. These companies built strong businesses to get ahead of the competition in 2003 and have now set themselves up for continued expansion in the market. Sales look to increase at a staggering 10% on average and margins could be as high as 10.8%.
34% of the industry will be in transition spending 2004 focused on internal problems. Sales will be more than likely be flat but margins could be as high as the industry average of 1.9%.
40% of the industry will be carrying past financial difficulties into 2004. Many of these companies were found to be losing money. Their immediate concerns are to reverse this loss making, but they will need to react quickly if they are to survive in 2004. Sales could drop by as much as 10% at these companies, yet margins must improve as they are currently losing an unsustainable 5% on sales.
David Pattison, senior analyst at Plimsoll "I think these findings prove how industry averages disguise the reality of what is really going on in the market and how easy it is for business leaders to misread the market. To see the facts you really need to look at these individual companies and see the different challenges each face in 2004."
The latest 1st Edition 2004 Plimsoll Analysis profiles each of the Top 236 UK companies in the sound equipment industry individually and looks how the company's historical performance will drive its performance in 2004. Each of the 236 companies has been given a projection for 2004. Readers wishing to place an order can receive a 5% discount and a free 2004 Business Confidence Pack profiling each of the 236 companies on their confidence for 2004.The 326-page analysis is retailing at £305 and can be ordered on line or by telephone.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)