Designed for use straight out of the box, the 328XD control surface needs little explanation, and virtually all functions are easily accessible through the mixer’s unique ‘E-Strip’. This can act as a horizontal channel strip, controlling EQ and aux sends, or a dynamics control panel, or as level controls for the tape returns.
The 328XD also boasts a new dynamics feature set, including: a Gate and Compressor/Limiter on every channel; configurable direct outputs that provide more opportunities for recording feeds; two high-resolution Lexicon effects processors; the ability to route effects to groups for recording; total status recall at power-up; and improved connectivity. For instance, the S/PDIF output can be available on Optical port as well as RCA/Phono. Wordclock termination is available for systems using multiple clock connections, and the console may be synchronized to embedded ADAT wordclock as well as numerous clock sources.
(Lee Baldock)