Following on from their involvement with Live 8 last summer, the company resolved to act upon the philosophy that was adopted for the iconic event, the message being to unite and address unacceptable levels of poverty across the World, particularly in Africa.
Taking this on board, the team at Star Events Group have committed to make a difference by sponsoring the development of an educational facility, aptly named The Star Events Group School of English. By funding the rental of the school premises, and by providing basic classroom supplies, the company hopes to make a huge difference to the lives of the local community in Guinea Bissau.
Maddy Sheals, director of HR at SEGL, said: "We have always had a social conscience here in our approach to the way we do business and have embraced the opportunity that has been given us to contribute towards the school in Guinea Bissau. We are looking forward to hearing about the progress of the school, its staff and pupils over the next few months."
If you would like to find out more about the project in Guinea Bissau visit the website at - clicking on the 'About Us - Guinea Bissau' section.(Chris Henry)