'Stardraw.net from ProSoundWeb' represents the introduction of a web-based application that incorporates tools and data tailored to the professional audio market. Stardraw MD David Snipp explains "Our conventional applications have established the sorts of tools that integrators find easy to use and valuable for system design and documentation. This web-based application has been customized for ProSoundWeb to provide their Stardraw.net subscribers with similar functionality within a ProSoundWeb web page."
Stardraw.net from ProSoundWeb is a web-based application delivered through HTML pages, using tools which download themselves as and when they are needed. This means that all of the functionality, for instance Cut, Copy, Paste commands or drawing lines is executed on the client side for speed, and symbols libraries are stored in databases on the server. The advantage of the client/server split is that even if your Internet connection is broken, you can still continue to work and save your files locally.
Scheduled to launch on Wednesday 9 October 2002, audio professionals will be able to subscribe to the web-based audio application from PSW for a monthly fee. The web-based application will be available via a ‘Stardraw.net’ button at the top of the ProSoundWeb home page.
The audio version of Stardraw.net has been designed to simplify and speed the design and documentation processes faced by systems professionals. The initial web-based software will feature the block diagram module, which will allow users block diagram functionality similar to the software version. Additional modules such as panel layouts, rack design, and pictorial schematics are expected in the near future.
ProSoundWeb will also provide the latest product news and application information as well as host a Stardraw.net users forum that will be monitored daily by Stardraw product specialists. With a monthly on-line audience exceeding 120,000 audio professionals worldwide, PSW is uniquely qualified to serve as Stardraw.net's on-line partner for Stardraw.net from ProSoundWeb. In addition to attracting a sizeable portion of the qualified pro audio audience, PSW offers the technical capabilities to ensure reliable, problem-free access combined with support mechanisms such as the users forum.
(Lee Baldock)