The patent, developed by inventor Richard Belliveau, provides for broad coverage in its claims for patent in the use of networked, centrally-controlled, addressable colour changing lighting systems incorporating pulse width modulation and variable digital control circuitry which can vary the intensity of individual lamp elements to generate unlimited colours.
Color Kinetics was notified by the patent owner on several occasions in the past that the owner believed that Color Kinetics was infringing on its intellectual property rights. Upon examination of High End System's patent, Super Vision believed utilization of this patent would be required in order to continue their development of colour-changing LED systems. Super Vision is now the owner of the 'Variable Colour Lighting System', having purchased the patent from High End Systems (see lsionline news, Friday 5 March), including future licensing rights, rights to enforce against infringement, and entitlement to both past due and future royalties on the patent.
(Lee Baldock)