To let BSBC know about the business you think is great all you have to do is e-mail: or write to BSBC 2007 PO Box 335, Lymington SO41 6WJ giving the name of the business, its address, a line or two about why you think it is outstanding, and your name and address. An entry form for British Small Businesses 2007 will then be sent to the business.
The business you nominate must not employ more than 50 people and have been trading for five years or more. Closing date for entries is 31 January 2007.
The annual British Small Business Champions Awards are the only awards exclusively for small businesses, and were launched by The Federation of Small Businesses in 2003 to heighten the profile of the UK's small business community and to celebrate its achievements. There are 4.3 million UK small businesses; 97% of all businesses employ less than 20 members of staff and there are 12 million people working in them.
(Chris Henry)