This work of reference features a forward by Sir Cameron Mackintosh and is edited by Judith Strong. The book of nine chapters and 27 exemplar theatres from around the world represents the cumulative knowledge and experience of a large group of around 50 experts, all of whom have either worked in theatres or have been actively involved in the design and building and refurbishment of theatres for many years.
The section editors and contributors all share the simple ABTT passion for "Supporting the actor in his craft". The book is in essence an aide memoir to those about to embark upon a theatre project, be they designers, clients, theatre users or students. The book will constantly remind the reader of the need of expert help, be it from statutory bodies, planners, architects, theatre consultants, structural engineers, theatre owners, producers, technicians and others required in order to ensure a welcoming home for an audience night after night. Theatre Buildings - A Design Guide is a prompt for those who know and an education for those who do not, say the publishers.
The book published by Routledge is priced at £39.99 and is available from the ABTT website. Copies will be available to buy at The Theatre Show.
(Jim Evans)