While some graduation ceremonies may consist of a stage, house lights and a crackling PA system, Bandit created a stunning production complete with illuminated backdrops, moving lights and GRNLite technology in sync with the university's green initiative.
With 14 ceremonies occurring over four days, lighting designer Will Twork streamlined each event into a cohesive design consisting of MAC 2k Profiles, MAC 600 and Bandits' GRNLite 3-36 LED par. Rick Munroe and Gavin Lake provided additional support during the ceremonies.
"Bandit Lites' contribution of state-of-the-art equipment and lighting design has greatly enhanced our commencement exercises," said Beth Gladden, special events manager of the University of Tennessee. "Each year, their work transforms a 20,000-seat basketball arena into an intimate venue for these meaningful ceremonies. We are fortunate to have Michael Strickland as an alumnus and friend to make this possible."
(Jim Evans)