The Q product line was specifically designed for noise-critical applications including theatre, television, houses of worship and corporate events. The Series 3000 Q fixtures are engineered for specific applications where the ambient temperature is not a factor, but silence is, say Vari-Lite.
Bombay Dreams has been previewing since March 28. On its Broadway debut, the Q fixtures have met all expectations. "We knew exactly what they were going to do, and they've done everything they are supposed to do," Rosenberg said. "We've really worked the lights out. They've been on every day for a minimum of 12 hours a day, so they've been worked hard. They are extremely reliable. They're in great shape. I have no complaints at all about the Vari*Lite fixtures."
In addition to the 16 VL3000Q spot units, the rig consists of 24 VL1000TS fixtures, 10 VL1000AS units (which are used as rail framers), 18 VL2000 wash luminaires, 23 VL5 fixtures and 21 VL5B units. The automated lighting package was supplied by PRG. Like their 1200W counterparts, the convection-cooled 575W Series 1000 ellipsoidal reflector spotlights have also operated in silence. "We have a ton of VL1000 fixtures in the rig," Rosenberg added. "Again, they've been completely reliable and we've never heard the fans come on."
(Lee Baldock)