Jonathan (Speedy) Cole who was LD for the show, reports: "This Concert was a result of over a year of planning. The producer, Danny Kaizler from Israevents paid attention to every musical detail in the show, so I had to come up with a Lighting rig to allow a reaction of lighting to each and every musical point.
"We had rehearsals in the venue on the Friday, followed by a get in time of 05:00 on the day, having the ability to use the Vector PC, meant that I was able to programme each and every cue off site, using Wysiwyg. As we got in, whilst the crew off loaded the trucks, we ran 130m of network cable, plugged a vector in one end, and the E?ports in the other, and the show was ready.
"This was critical as we had tight schedule. The positioning went smoothly and I even got things looking 'clean' on the vectors. It was such a nice operation. Allowing me to use the remote PDA to go on stage and correct the house positions, even before the producer could finish asking for it... gave me a good and professional feeling."
(Jim Evans)