As a special introductory offer, Vertigo is offering these sponsored course places - free to the trainee - for the first three applicants whose names come out of the hat. Applications must be made by 27 April and the minimum qualification is four years' full-time professional production industry experience. Applicants should confirm their interest by email to Vertigo Rigging director Becky Loughran (e-mail address below), attaching a brief CV.
The revolutionary system, developed by Holland's XLNT Advanced Technologies, has two main components - the InMotion 3D or 2D programming and control software, and the CyberHoist 'intelligent' chain hoist motor. Vertigo's new training course, the first of its kind in the industry, will cover all aspects of programming and operating the object-oriented InMotion 3D software, as well as maintenance of the CyberHoist motor and its data and power distribution systems (DataMotion and PowerMotion).
The training programme offers the applicants the opportunity to gain certificated competency at the different levels of operator and programmer according to their skill with both the 2D and 3D Options. Training will be carried out both from Vertigo in London and from Flashlight Rental in Holland. Flashlight participated in the system's development and has operated it on several major European shows including the Eurovision Song Contest 2004 and the Phil Collins world tour.Operators who have already trained on the system include Flashlight's IM3D/CyberHoist crew, Vertigo's Natasha Mason and Steve Waddington, and Darren Williamson, who is currently operating an IM3D/CyberHoist system on the Mamma Mia! musical world tour.
Vertigo Rigging director Rebecca Loughran says, "InMotion 3D and CyberHoist has set a new standard for entertainment motion control and we wanted to establish a professional training base where people can learn the system from the most knowledgeable technicians around. It's very creative and enjoyable to programme and operate, and these courses will add another string to the bow of anyone who learns it - and that only takes a couple of days!"
(Lee Baldock)