The Void products demonstrated at Matter ranged from touring line-array to club install systems, and included the Arcline 12 medium-format line-array and Arcline X multiple resonant-chamber sub. Void also demonstrated the Stasys range, across the Stasys Prime ultra-efficient wide-band arrayable point-source, the Stasys X horn-loaded sub, the Stasys 5 Mk2 1 x 18 low-frequency and the Stasys 3 mk2 arrayable mid-hi. Completing the new-product line-up was Void's Infinite X series of power amplifiers, including the new Infinite X7 and X8 two-channel designs.
Terry Lewis, director of Void Acoustics Limited comments, "We were overwhelmed by the positive response from PLASA 09, resulting in the excellent attendance at our Extravaganza, and it is proof of the continuing success of our growth strategy. The combination of using PLASA09 as our new-product launch platform, and Matter as our preferred demonstration venue just a few weeks later, proved an ideal strategy for us.
"The event certainly proved popular, with the majority of visitors staying well into the evening. We were impressed both by the numbers attending and by their calibre, with the attendees including Cosmic Electronics, who have installed Void into a growing number of prestigious London venues, DJs from HouseProud, plus representatives from SEDA.
"Choosing Matter also enabled us to run in-situ demonstrations of our systems that are installed on the venue's renowned VIP floor - our Air Series Air Ten twin-chamber systems and Air Motion triple-horns, plus the Mycro X and Axsys X subs, which were designed specifically for Matter."
(Jim Evans)