Sixteen of the 30 DTs will deliver background music to the peripheral areas, including main reception and stairways, as well as the VIP lounge. These two-way reflex enclosures (containing 4.5" woofer and 1" metal dome tweeter) were purpose-designed for environments such as these. Meanwhile, six Programme 52s provide background sound in the main performance room with Kennedy commending their reliability and overall aesthetic. "Fitting them horizontally gave me a low profile, high output, cost-effective background music system," he said - a sentiment echoed by Gee Labanca, who described the Programme 52s as "the perfect solution when a substantial PA is required to operate as a secondary system."
Onstage, four of Wharfedale's 15" powered EVP-15PM floor monitors will provide stage foldback for the musicians. Now fitted with a speaker output connector, each is powering a slave EVPS12M - a formula currently finding favour with installers.
The venue will further enhance an area which is currently being regenerated along the Trent. It will boast a high-quality infrastructure, with good kitchens, a well-equipped VIP area and jazz-themed décor. The aim is to introduce quality acts and use the venue as a musicians' workshop during the day.
The Wharfedale speakers are part of a complete sound and lighting package supplied by Electromusic, which also includes Allen & Heath mixing desk and eight Martin MAC 250 moving head luminaires. The venue opened on May 28 with Richard Shelton (Frank Sinatra) and Alex Giannini (Dean Martin), accompanied by the Pete Long Swing Band and singer Pattie Ravell.
(Lee Baldock)