Directed by Peter Schneider, one of the driving forces behind the revitalisation of animation at Disney and the creation of Disney Theatrical, the show is being designed by Klara Zieglerova with lighting by multiple Tony-award winner Natasha Katz.
The equipment to realise Katz's design has been supplied by White Light. The rig includes a wide selection of conventional, automated and LED lighting equipment, including over 400 ETC Source Fours, over 250 Wybron Coloram II scrollers, over 60 Vari-Lite VL3500Q Spots, 32 VL2500 Wash, 22 VL500A Wash, 20 ColorBlaze and 5 ColorBlast LED fixtures from Philips-Color Kinetics, together with atmospheric effects by Look Solutions (Viper smoke machines, Cryo low fog generators) and MDG (Atmosphere haze machines). Control for the rig is split between an ETC Obsession II and an MA grandMA console.
Working with Katz on the show is associate lighting designer Yael Lubezky and production electrician Pete Lambert, with Stewart Crosbie the show's production manager. In supplying the rig, White Light will continue its collaboration with Epic Production Technologies, begun on the London production of Lord of the Rings, using some of the automated lighting equipment previously used on that show.
"We are delighted to have this opportunity to work with Natasha Katz, whose work in New York we have admired for so long," comments White Light's managing director, Bryan Raven. "We hope that we'll be able to look after her during her time in London and support her work at the Palladium creating this fun new musical. We're also very happy to be able to continue our close working relationship with Epic, which worked so well during The Lord of the Rings, to supply the lighting rig the show needs."
(Jim Evans)