Produced by Mark Goucher, Michael Rose and Tristan Baker, Footloose is directed by Karen Bruce, designed by Morgan Large with lighting by James Whiteside. White Light have supplied a rig that includes Martin Mac500 and Mac2000 profiles, Mac600 washlights and Clay Paky Alpha Halo washlights, as well as ETC Source Fours, Rainbow colour scrollers, Par Cans, 5kW fresnels, L&E battens, Coda-4 floods, Unique haze machines, and White Light's fully-rated LOLER lighting ladders.
The rig is fed from Avo touring dimmer racks, controlled by a Strand 520i console programmed by Rob Halliday. The show's production electrician is Jeremy Duncan, with Simon Gooding the production manager.
The Footloose rig was prepared at White Light just before Christmas, then loaded in to Cardiff on Monday 1 January ready for technical rehearsals that began on the Tuesday, with the show opening the following Friday.
Footloose joins the many other tours currently using equipment from White Light, including Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Edward Scissorhands and Miss Saigon, soon to take its rig to Portugal for a short season.
(Chris Henry)