Each UW College campus hosts a distance conferencing classroom to provide students greater access to instructors with specific skills sets - i.e. foreign languages or medical courses.
"Our main goal is to replace our antiquated audio conferencing processors with Biamp's new Nexia VC and Nexia TC processors," said Scott Bouffleur, UW Non Online Distance Education (NODE) coordinator. "In nearly every conferencing room we've installed a single Nexia VC alongside a Nexia TC to facilitate both teleconferencing and videoconferencing with Biamp's TrueSound AEC capabilities.
In rooms with more than eight microphones, we're using two Nexia VC units with a single Nexia TC. So far the installation has progressed very smoothly and we're quite pleased with the performance of the Nexias."
The Nexia VC processors interface with Polycom video codecs to aggregate incoming audio and mix and route those signals accordingly. In each room, the instructor has a number of different source inputs to choose from at the podium, including a computer input, a DVD player and a CD player.The Crestron control panel in each room is used to control room volume via the Nexia, as well as switch between input sources, among other functions.
Bouffleur noted: "In addition to integrating the Nexia processors, we are also upgrading our Crestron control systems so that we can utilize the network-friendly functionality of the Nexia and Crestron eControls."
(Jim Evans)