Olivier award winning lighting designer and co-founder of WISE, Paule Constable, comments, "Each day WISE members from all sectors - sound, AV, lighting, rigging - will offer PLASA Show visitors a calm oasis from the frenetic show floor. We will by providing refreshing mugs of scalding tea, fabulously tasty home baked cakes, an empathetic ear and some scintillating conversation. Tea O Clockis open to anyone attending the PLASA 2010 trade show and everyone who drops by is guaranteed a warm welcome from our WISE members. Details of who will be available and on what day will be confirmed on the WISE and the PLASA Show websites nearer the time."
Industry journalist and WISE co-founder Sarah Rushton-Read continues, "Tea O Clock will be a fun, sociable event where people can catch up with old friends and colleagues, sample some delicious home baking and meet WISE members. However, we also have a serious message to convey. WISE's raison d'Ωtre is to address the continued under representation of women working in the entertainment technology and design sectors. We believe that by identifying and addressing the barriers that impact women's career choices, we can identify where change can be made and ensure the industry offers a more equitable working environment for everyone, regardless of gender."
In light of this, PLASA Events has invited WISE to take part in a day of Skills and Qualifications seminar sessions on Wednesday 15 September. A number of experienced and industry respected WISE members, from a cross section of the industry, will discuss their own careers, the challenges they've faced along the way and why they love doing what they do. Speakers will be confirmed and published by the end of July and will include Constable and Rushton-Read.
Constable concludes, "WISE provides a stimulating and sociable forum for women, both as a real world group and as a dynamic online network. We are delighted at how quickly it's grown. Today it enables women working in the entertainment technology and back stage sectors to network, share their achievements and confidently discuss the issues that affect them and their colleagues on a worldwide, cross culture scale. This brings huge perspective both culturally and professionally."
WISE could not have achieved any of this without the generous industry sponsorship it has received, in particular from Bryan Raven at White Light and Ruth Rossington and Nicky Rowland at PLASA. Companies and organisations including White Light, ETC, ROSCO, Lee Filters, Howard Eaton Lighting, Clay Paky, Knights of Illumination, Northern Light, Red Create, Lighting & Sound International, PLASA and ABTT have also enabled WISE to develop its information packed website and dynamic members only, facebook style, networking site.
Today membership stands at over 125 and it's growing every day. WISE is currently working on upgrading its website, establishing a steering committee to cover fundraising, career development, training and gender equity. The organisation expects to have that off the ground by late autumn. New members, volunteers and supporters from all sectors are very welcome and can make contact through both websites.
(Jim Evans)