As long-time lighting suppliers to the WWF, Bandit Lites and production designer Jason Robinson were called upon to make this year’s event bigger than anything the WWF had ever done before, and judging by the numbers involved, they succeeded: 12 semis full of lighting gear, 4,000,000W of power at 11,000 amps per leg, 450 moving lights, 700 Par 64s, three Flying Pig Whole Hog 2s with four Overdrives, an ETC Expression 3x, 216 motors, 204 pieces of 10ft A-type truss, five custom A-type circles ranging from 42ft in diameter to 15ft in diameter, and 44 pieces of pre-rigged truss. When using the circles in conjunction with the A-type truss, Robinson created five truncated circles ranging from 34ft across to over 200ft. These circles were broken and raked to complete a stunning tornado effect that loomed over the main ring. Another major element of the design was the 100 Martin MAC 250s that lined either side of the entry ramp that created stunning effects on the wrestlers and the ramp alike. The entry stage, which was a sizeable system in its own right, was dominated by eight 3k Syncrolites and countless Martin MAC 2000s.
(Lee Baldock)