Jim Koza, Wybron's regional sales director covering Europeis present at PLASA to debut Wybron's newest Cygnus line of LEDs luminaires. "I'm excited to help promote our Cygnus VN line to our dealer partners in Europe," says Koza. "It's great to know that they're not just another 'me-too' product and truly are ahead of the curve in today's bloated LED market. The whole Cygnus family is truly amazing."
Director of technologies John Sondericker III adds, "We've developed a proprietary lensing system for the VN line that tightens the Cygnus beam and packs all that punch into 13 degrees, providing an astounding 70% more lux on target [when compared to Cygnus MF200]." It's the brightest fixture in its class by far."
(Jim Evans)