Zac Brown Band comes home with Cuepix
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Production and lighting design for the tour was by UK-based production design company Okulus, who also handled creative direction and scenic design. James Scott, Okulus director, had been introduced to the Cuepix Blinder on another design tour, Passenger, in 2015, an outing where power consumption limitations were a concern and an LED fixture the solution. “Looking at the sheer quantity of blinders that Zac Brown wanted to use on this show, having all those dimmers and cabling didn’t make sense. We had to go LED and again chose Cuepix,” Scott commented.
The Cuepix white light fixtures not only give the classic look of a 2-lite or 4-lite blinder, they do it at a fraction of the power requirements, says the company. “The benefits were substantial from saving on infrastructure - cables and dimmers - to fewer man hours and eliminating bulb changes,” Scott said. The switch to LED not only adds up to reduced weight and money saved but the Cuepix Blinders are a more eco-friendly option for audience illumination.
The design included Cuepix Blinder WW2s, 22 on a front light truss downstage, 16 on a mid-stage truss, and four per side above a curved LED screen. A row of Cuepix units also worked from the floor in lighting carts that could easily be wheeled on and off the stage. The carts, which housed strobes, blinders and spots, were specifically designed to also be used as a festival floor package.
Working with the Cuepix fixtures out on the road was touring lighting director Chris Cockrill, who stated that the LED blinders were “rock solid night after night” and that “the WW2’s were a great addition to the tour design”.
Lighting supply for the Welcome Home tour, which was described as ‘wildly successful’ with most dates selling out, was by live event production company Special Event Services. Jeff Cranfill at Special Event Services says they have been pleased with the Cuepix fixtures since adding them to inventory. “We have had great success using the Cuepix Blinders as an alternative to traditional DWE fixtures,” he states. “The output and coverage work well in a variety of venue sizes. The fixtures have been very reliable indoors and outdoors and with all of these great qualities we will continue to add them to our inventory.”
(Jim Evans)