5-Star's e-CASE
UK - 5 Star Cases has just launched a new free iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad app - 'e-CASE'

e-CASE is also a useful addition to 5 Star's web site quotation request facility - with the advantage that it can be used in locations where access to a PC pr laptop is not available, says the company. As long as a 3G, WiFi (preferably) or an EDGE signal is present, e-CASE can be used to configure case projects any place any time.

Says 5 Star MD Keith Sykes, "Communication is a key element in providing the constantly evolving premium service in which we pride ourselves. In a fast moving world, where time is precious, we believe that empowering our clients with greater access to our all our facilities whatever their location or time zone will be another reason for them to bring business to 5 Star".

e-CASE allows the user to browse, configure and select all of 5 Star's 'Case Type' ranges then send the request direct to the Design and Quotations team at 5 Star. The App doesn't suggest actual specifications but is intended as a design aid for proposed case requirements.

(Jim Evans)

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