ABC installed used two Sennheiser EW145 hand-helds, a Sennheiser EW112 lapel system and a Sennheiser EVO pack and receiver for the lectern mic with a Sennheiser COM1425 attached to the transmitter. This was placed with an additional on/off switch on a perspex mount out of sight beneath the lectern. The hearing aid loop was Ampetronic and the speakers were eight Bose 161s. The amplification was supplied by two Citronic PSX350s, all mixed with a Spirit Folio F1 mixer. A Citronic AP231 dual band graphic equalizer was also added to help cut out feedback frequencies due to the acoustics of the room and the fact that speeches would be made from different positions around the room (these settings were then protected with a tamper-proof cover).
The system was also required to be very easy to use - thus the operator has only to worry about the four sliders on the mixer, turning the mics on and off and changing the batteries.
(Lee Baldock)