The ML5000 managed sound for the evening's series of events hosted by China's popular stand-up comedian, Wu Tsung Hsien, and He Jiong, a well-known TV anchorman. Over a thousand VIP guests were treated to a dramatic dance performance, and one of the film's stars, Jay Chow, performed a song from the movie. The console also provided broadcastfeeds for two national TV stations, and managed the director's introductory speech, which was delivered not on stage but via a satellite feed from New York where Yimou is directing his original opera, The First Emperor.
An epic tale of an imperial family's decline, The Curse of the Golden Flower stars the internationally renowned Chow Yun-Fat and Gong Li, and is set to become the highest grossing film in China, breaking the current box office record held by Titanic (1997). It is also anticipated that the film will be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the next Oscars.
(Lee Baldock)