USA - Crown International, the US manufacturer of amplifiers, microphones and systems control products for professional audio markets, was recently named first runner-up for the US Senate Productivity Award for 2003. The award, which is given annually and sponsored by US Senator Richard G. Lugar, the Indiana Manufacturers Association (IMA), and the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), recognizes outstanding productivity gains or methods, which may be utilized by other Indiana companies to improve Indiana's overall productivity. Larry Coburn, senior vice-president of Manufacturing for Crown commented: "We are very proud to have received this award. This recognition by our peers in the Manufacturing community is extra special because they understand the hard work we have done to improve our processes and products."

As a result of their efforts toward productivity improvement, Crown was able to cut fabrication and board assembly aggregate lead times by 90 percent, increase line efficiency by 30 percent plant-wide, reduce inventory by 20 percent and free 32,000 square feet of floor space. "These changes have also improved the work environment for our employees, by helping us better provide a clean, safe place to work," noted Coburn, who will be awarded with the runner-up plaque and will present Crown's success story at a public forum held by the IMA in October in Indianapolis.

(Lee Baldock)

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