The radio station's DJs provided the music for the two nine-hour shows, which saw two rooms operated simultaneously, offering commercial and alternative styles. The lighting was the most technically demanding part of the weekend, since both shows required live operation each night.The themed events (entitled 'It Will Be All White On The Night' and 'The Wild, Wild West'), used a mixture of Martin MAC 250+, MAC 500s, and ChromaBanks, ChromaCubes and ChromaStrips from Pulsar. According to Embee's project manager for the event, Mark Bailey: "These units gave us the flexibility and range of effects needed to run a visual show for this length of time, with the reliability and brightness required."
Generic fixtures included Source Fours, 400W UV Cannons and Par 64s with ACLs dotted around the screen surrounds. Various smoke and pyrotechnic effects were used during the shows, ranging from gerbs and theatrical flash units to the Skyhigh FX Air Fetti Cannons. Two Martin Magnum Pro 2000 smoke machines were also connected to CITC FX Shotmax fans to produce smoke jets into the audience areas. Grille staging was installed, allowing the dancers to be up-lit during their performances on stage, and extra podiums were placed out front and mounted with cameras for audience participation.
(Lee Baldock)