Dry Hire Lighting adds RoboSpots and Spiiders
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The company is seeing a demand for various Robe products, reports business development director Rael Hancock, who joined the company September 2019.
“Spiiders are a ‘go-to’ fixture for so many scenarios,” comments Rael, and for the same reason, the RoboSpot investment was also seen as solid, and one of the most popular and user-friendly remote follow spotting solutions on the market.
“We’re driven by market demand and ROI. Additionally, the relationship we enjoy with Robe UK and the technical support is excellent - another major plus when considering an investment.”
The new RoboSpot BaseStations - which work with a variety of different Robe fixtures - and the Spiiders join an already large number of other Robe products available via Dry Hire Lighting.