The installation proved a complex task due to the tricky acoustics of both halls, which feature ancient stone walls and marble floors; the reverberation time in each was so extensive that it seemed any intelligibility would be impossible. With the help of multiple EASE simulations, the team was able to devise a solution that is not only tailored perfectly to the venue but also flexible.
Now, at the push of a button, the house technician can select from among a variety of presets designed for different applications, such as guided tours, lectures and conferences. Utilising both Internet and CobraNet connectivity, the digital system features ZX1i-90 loudspeakers, a selection of Electro-Voice microphones (with models including the PolarChoice Desktop, Co11, and RE2-N2) and two NetMax N8000 controllers. As well as being easy to use, the new system can also be expanded in a number of areas to optimise performance.
(Jim Evans)