Among the key items in the modernization programme was the provision of new sound reinforcement and public address systems, with the decision-makers opting in each case for systems from EVI Audio: the centrepiece of the acoustic design is now formed by a PROMATRIX paging and alarm system from DYNACORD and a professional sound system from Electro-Voice in which FRX+PI enclosures and RL amplifiers play key roles.
For a major project such as the AWD Arena, EVI Audio's virtually comprehensive product portfolio offers considerable advantages, since each of the different areas of the stadium - the VIP lounges, the stands, the playing field etc. - poses a different problem, which (naturally) requires a different solution; furthermore, the ability to access the pro sound equipment from the paging and alarm system is not simply an enormous convenience but also brings considerable benefits in terms of reliability and safety. This is so because when you purchase an all-encompassing solution from the same manufacturer, you eliminate problems of incompatibility; and the various sub-systems complement, and can (if need be) fill in for, each other. EVI Audio is the world's only manufacturer capable of providing a single, integrated interface for both the public address and the pro sound systems (IRIS).
The entire paging and alarm needs of the stadium are satisfied by a DYNACORD PROMATRIX System, housed with the pro sound equipment in one main control centre and four sub stations on the catwalks, connected by redundant fibre optic cables.
The pro sound and public address systems are fully integrated via a software interface, which means that important messages or evacuation instructions are not confined to the public address system indoors but can be routed to the main pro sound system covering the grandstands whenever this is appropriate. System reports in the pro sound system are displayed at the control centre of the public address system as well as by speaker stations The pro sound equipment (network, amplifiers, loudspeakers) was configured, and is operated and monitored, using IRIS System software. Furthermore, the use of EV remote amplifiers (P3000 RL, P 1200 RL, P900 RL) ensures that detailed and accurate information is available at all times concerning the state of the loudspeakers installed - this, thanks to a system (IRIS System Check) capable of monitoring the state of each of the individual drivers.
The system in the grandstands and playing area comprises: EV NetMax N8000 controllers, EV remote amps and EV FRX+PI loudspeakers. For the VIP areas: EV EVID 4.2 loudspeakers (mainly to provide high quality programme material in the VIP and hospitality suites) and for Pro sound there are 15 x EV P900 RL amps, 24 x EV P1200RL amps, six EV P3000RL amps, 76 x EV FRX+PI loudspeakers, five EV N8000 network controllers and finally a Midas Venice 240 console.
(Sarah Rushton-Read)