The first day of the event is already fully booked

UK - Martin Audio, along with sister brands, Optimal Audio, TiMax, Linea Research and OutBoard, are again joining forces for their open day programme – showing the best of what the Focusrite Pro brands have to offer.

This will take place over three days, from 11-13 March. However, such is the momentum of these twice-a-year networking and demonstration events that the first day is already fully booked.

Martin Audio will be running separate stage monitor, point source, constant curvature and line array demonstrations (with selective on-demand listening sessions). In-depth training will be provided for DISPLAY and VU-NET software.

TiMax will showcase immersive audio solutions across TiMax panLab, TiMax SoundHub and TiMax Tracker.

Optimal Audio will provide an engaging multi-zone commercial audio demonstration, including new products, as well as offering comprehensive training opportunities.

Linea Research will present an overview of its amplifiers and electronics as well as offering training on the System Engineer 8 control software.

Finally, OutBoard will present an overview of its motor control and rigging solutions.

The event takes place at company HQ, Century Point, Halifax Road, Cressex Business Park, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 3SL. There is free parking on site and refreshments will be served throughout the day. There will also be plenty of opportunity for visitors to interact with staff and undertake tours of the factory.

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