"The security industry has been, and continues to be, an important market for our products," explains HAI President and CEO, Jay McLellan. "We now have an entire controller line which we introduced last year, called Lumina, to integrate lighting and automation to existing security panels, we've added the CP-01 compliance to all of our UL-Listed Omni controllers for the reduction of false alarms, and we continue to expand our wireless security line, as well as our international offerings."
CP-01 is a standard initiated by the Security Industry Association for security system control panels and their associated arming and disarming devices to reduce the incidence of false alarms. All HAI Omni controllers; the OmniLT, Omni IIe and OmniPro II are now shipping as CP-01 compliant.
HAI's new Wireless Glass break Detector is an omnidirectional acoustic sensor and wireless transmitter. It is used for detecting the sound of breaking glass, providing 360ยบ of coverage.
The Spanish OmniPro II controller has the same functionality as the original but is intended to make the Spanish speaking end user more comfortable with the interface. Voice, menu, touchscreen, and the PC Access software are all in Spanish.
(Jim Evans)