Sound design was in the hands of the Stolberg enterprise FeedBack GmbH, together with sound engineer Cedric Beatty (a Grammy nominee for the Joe Zawinul World Tour Album). The sound system consisted of 20 Nexo Geo T4805s, four Nexo Geo T2815 downfills and six Nexo CD18 subs, powered by 14 Camco Vortex 6 amps and processed by 6x Nexo NX 242 TDcontrollers.
Bernd Schmitz, managing director of FeedBack, explains the choice of system. "In our opinion, the Nexo Geo T gives you the best performance. The outstanding acoustic qualities combined with an extremely accurate coverage and precise direction capability are all big points in favour of using the Geo T. The price/performance ratio naturally played a decisive role in the producer TKS's decision to choose the Nexo system, as well. Our client was really impressed by the Geo T, both before and during the tour."
To speed up the installation of the line array during the tour, the single-motor rigging system developed by FeedBack was used. Production engineer Roland Schmid and system technician Tobias Wallraff from FeedBack, responsible for making sure the sound concept on this tour is implemented smoothly, are both more than satisfied with the easy way the system handles.
Sound designer Cedric Beatty has nothing but praise for the entire system: "The difficulty with musicals is getting the vocals to sound natural while at the same time getting the required level of volume and power. With its rear attenuation, the Nexo Geo T was the ideal PA system to partner the 28 DPA microphones on stage. It was so much more than just satisfactory."
(Chris Henry)