Three PixelPAR 90 (A) units are rigged in the branches of each of the Square's trees. JTE devised a low maintenance control system, featuring a custom-built box located in the last-minute-ticket booth, complete with in-built colour chases. The box is programmed to switch on at a predetermined time and step through a repeating sequence of colour changes until switch off time. The PixelPAR units are powered from local hard mains available in the square.
The PixelPAR 90 (A) was previewed at PLASA this year and officially launched at LDI. James Powell, head of Pixel R 'n' D, commented that it was 'really great' to have such a high profile first installation for the new fixture. The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, switched on Leicester Square's lighting, and the illuminations will last until mid-January.
(Lee Baldock)