Products from PixelRange's unique intelligent lighting range stole the show, generating much interest. The recently launched PixelSmart, alongside pre-release models of the PixelRange QPar and SmartLines demonstrated the new direction of media-driven LED lighting to the key industry visitors.
Matt Hallard of PRG Distribution comments: "The addition of PixelRange to our distribution portfolio will provide a massive boost to our EMEA dealers and distribution partners. With the amount of interest we received from showing PixelRange at both ProLight and Sound and the recent PLASA Focus in Leeds it's clear that PixelRange have delivered a unique product with mass appeal.
"At both shows we displayed, alongside the QPar and SmartLine battens, nine PixelSmarts in a 3x3 display configuration running a pixelmapped demo sequence (61 DMX channels per PixelSmart) provided by Andi Watson who recently used them on the Interpol tour. We had to reduce the PixelSmarts' output to a mere 10% due to the high intensity of the Cree Quad LEDs - however, the display really served to help visitors understand the creative potential that is now available on the market".
(Claire Beeson)