Launched at PLASA 09 by a galaxy of stars, including Brian Conley and Liz Robertson, both currently starring in Hairspray, Issy van Randwyck (of Fascinating Aida), Fiona Mollison and director Edward Hall, the event has already enlisted the following riders (subject to work commitments): Richard Bullimore, Steve Colley, Neil Collins, David Edelstein, George Ellerington, Ric Green, Darrell Hewitt, Simon Le Bon, Simon Nichols, Michael Powell and Bill Sapsis from the USA, with chase cars driven by Stephen Pennington and Brenda Edelstein and Robert Hamilton and Scott Miller from Canada.
Starting on Friday 5 June 2010, the round Britain ride will take in new, interesting and historically significant theatres around the UK, visiting one or two each day. The start and finish will be in London, but the route is still in the planning stages. However, it is hoped that each theatre will give the riders a tour of the venue, some hospitality and possibly tickets for a show. The ride will finish on Saturday 12 June, in time for the 2010 Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference, which opens the following day.
Among the associations and companies that have already pledged sponsorship are ABTT, Blitz Sound, Cameron Mackintosh, ETC, Hall Stage, Harmer PR, Howard Eaton, J&C Joel, PLASA, Prompt Side and Triple E Ltd.
To keep up to date with riders and sponsors, and find out more about the event, visit the web address below. Anyone wishing to take part or pledge support (or both) can contact the organisers at
(Jim Evans)