This proposal is the result of representations made by the construction industry, which is seeking to maintain its existing practices by retaining the current 2-metre rule in these new regulations. This may have implications for other industries, which is why a short sharp consultation exercise is being undertaken to gather views from construction industry and other stakeholders.
Bill Callaghan, Chair of HSC said: "There has already been extensive consultation on these Regulations, although not on this particular point and because it may have implications for our stakeholders generally, we felt it was important to seek their views now on this issue. We have already written to the 750 people and organizations who responded to our original consultation but we also want to make sure that everyone who has a view has the opportunity."
He added: "The Commission is keen to address this issue and make its recommendations to Ministers by Christmas. This is why the consultation period lasts only six weeks, ending 3 December 2004."
(Lee Baldock)